Who We Are

Before Southminster became the church that it is today, members began meeting in homes in 1982 to dream about how God was calling them to be a family of faith in Fort Bend County. After many years of meeting in homes, multiple schools and even shared spaces with other churches, Southminster was chartered on October 6, 1985 to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ to Fort Bend County. 150 people became the first family members of Southminster, with an additional 143 joining that first Sunday. Even though some family members have been called elsewhere and new family members have joined us, our commitment remains the same – to exemplify Christ’s love to children, the community and each other through education, service and outreach.

Our Leadership Team

The staff and leadership at Southminster is comprised of men and women who love and care for both our church family and our school family.  If you have any questions for our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call the church office to speak with them. 

You can contact the church office at (281) 499-2310

  • David Northcutt  Parish Associate for Pastoral Care

    David has 50 years experience as a pastor, campus minister, chaplain in V.A. and mental hospitals, and US Air Force Auxiliary chaplain with special training in Critical Incident Stress Management. His primary responsibility is pastoral care, which includes visiting in homes and hospitals, counseling, and working with the Deacons. 

    Email David

  • Sarah Stewart   Director of DISCIPLESHIP

    Sarah grew up at Southminster, and though she left to pursue other ministry opportunities, she came back to us with extensive experience . She comes with a heart for children and for creating places of discipleship for families. With five children of her own and a supportive husband (who she married at SPC), she is excited to bridge relationships, create community, and help grow in God's Kingdom calling for Southminster. 

    Email Sarah

  • Pam Drake  Church Secretary

    Mrs. Drake has been the administrative assistant/secretary at Southminster Church for over 30 years. She and her husband are charter members. 

    Email Pam

  • Lisa Butler  Preschool Director

    Lisa has over 15 years' experience teaching early childhood education.  She taught at Southminster School for five years, was the former interim Business Manager for the school and church, served on the PTO as a member and President.  Southminster School holds a special place in her heart:   Lisa’s daughter attended school here from preschool to 5th grade.  Lisa believes Southminster School is a hidden gem! 

    Email Lisa

  • Mary Farley  Business Manager

    Mary joined the Southminster family in July of 2020 and is happy to be a part of our leadership team. She comes to us with an extensive accounting and business background, specializing in churches and schools. One of the things Mary enjoys the most about her position is how she can serve the people of the church and school. In her free time, Mary loves spending time with her children, hiking, and baking.

    Email Mary

  • Kevin Funderburk Facilities Manager

    I have been a member of Southminster Church for over 27 years and married to my wonderful wife, Doris, for 32 years.  We have four children (three boys and a girl).  They range in age from 19 to 25. 

    I worked for 34 years in the claims department at Farmers Insurance.  Part of my career was spent in handling property claims, where I learned construction methods and property repairs.  I was also an operations manager for several years, where I was responsible for the facility upkeep and maintenance of a large claims facility.  

    In my spare time, I enjoy gardening, woodworking and fishing.

  • Rev. William GESTAL  Interim Pastor

    I am Rev. Bill Gestal. I will be helping your church leaders and staff during this time before you hire your next called pastor.  I have been a pastor for 40 years in the PCUSA and then ECO. I retired in March 2024 after serving Living Hope Community Church in Greenwich, CT for 22 years.  My wife and I moved to Conroe, TX to be near our daughter, her family, and our two grandchildren. We live about a mile away and we love being able to see them multiple times a week! Wednesday is our day with our 3-year-old grandson, Friday night our grandchildren sleepover (my wife Susan and I don’t get a lot of sleep that night J), and Sunday evening we enjoy a family meal together with my daughter’s family. We love being grandparents and living close to our family!!!

    During my 40 years of ministry, I have served solo pastorate churches as well as staffed churches alongside an associate pastor and other program staff. For eleven summers I taught preaching at Jos ECWA Theological Seminary in Jos, Nigeria. Since transferring to ECO, I have served my presbytery as Moderator. As I prepared for retirement, I took ECO’s Transitional Pastor training classes and hope to use those skills during my time with you.

    I am serving Southminster on a part-time basis and will travel down to the church two weekdays each week plus Sundays. Generally, I will come down on Tuesday and Thursday later mornings and stay till early evening (avoiding Houston rush traffic). If you would like to talk, please contact Pam in the office; she will know my schedule and set up a time for you to come in.

    I love God’s church and I long to see each congregation flourish. I am honored to serve you during this time of transition.

    Grace and Peace,

    Bill Gestal