Care & Missions

Reaching In & Reaching Out

At Southminster we value caring for our family and responding to needs without hesitation. It is incredible to watch how this family of faith lives out the teaching of Jesus by caring for those whom God has brought into our family, but this isn't where our call as followers of Jesus ends. Just as God has reached out to each one of us and brought us into His family through Jesus, we also remember that our call is to reach out to others with the life changing love of Jesus Christ.

Care Ministries | Reaching In

Life can be hard and painful at times. No one would deny that. Sometimes we try to make it through on our own, but that's not what we were created for. God created us to desire and seek community throughout our lives. At Southminster community quickly becomes family, and families care for each other.  

At Southminster we have a Board of Deacons who connect with, care and pray for the congregation. Deacons serve as shepherds to groups of people called flocks, taken from imagery that you will find in the Bible. Deacons are among the first in our congregation to respond to needs, and will notify the rest of our church family when something happens. If you need to speak with a deacon please contact Rev. David Northcutt.

Mission | Reaching Out

God brought each one of us into His family through the love of Jesus, and so it is in that same spirit that we reach out to share the love of Jesus with others. God calls us to not only reach out to the people in our community, but throughout the world. 

Following the model in the book of Acts, Southminster supports mission efforts in our city, in our state, in our country, and internationally.

Local Missions (Missouri City/Houston)

Local Missions (Texas)

National (United States)
